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 9279 /*
 9280  *  linux/fs/exec.c
 9281  *
 9282  *  Copyright (C) 1991, 1992  Linus Torvalds
 9283  */
 9285 /*
 9286  * #!-checking implemented by tytso.
 9287  */
 9288 /* Demand-loading implemented 01.12.91 - no need to read
 9289  * anything but the header into memory. The inode of the
 9290  * executable is put into "current->executable", and page
 9291  * faults do the actual loading. Clean.
 9292  *
 9293  * Once more I can proudly say that linux stood up to
 9294  * being changed: it was less than 2 hours work to get
 9295  * demand-loading completely implemented.
 9296  *
 9297  * Demand loading changed July 1993 by Eric Youngdale.
 9298  * Use mmap instead, current->executable is only used by
 9299  * the procfs.  This allows a dispatch table to check for
 9300  * several different types of binary formats.  We keep
 9301  * trying until we recognize the file or we run out of
 9302  * supported binary formats.  */
 9304 #include <linux/config.h>
 9305 #include <linux/slab.h>
 9306 #include <linux/file.h>
 9307 #include <linux/mman.h>
 9308 #include <linux/a.out.h>
 9309 #include <linux/stat.h>
 9310 #include <linux/fcntl.h>
 9311 #include <linux/user.h>
 9312 #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
 9313 #include <linux/init.h>
 9315 #include <asm/uaccess.h>
 9316 #include <asm/pgtable.h>
 9317 #include <asm/mmu_context.h>
 9319 #ifdef CONFIG_KMOD
 9320 #include <linux/kmod.h>
 9321 #endif
 9323 /* Here are the actual binaries that will be accepted:
 9324  * add more with "register_binfmt()" if using modules...
 9325  *
 9326  * These are defined again for the 'real' modules if you
 9327  * are using a module definition for these routines.  */
 9329 static struct linux_binfmt *formats =
 9330                             (struct linux_binfmt *) NULL;
 9332 void __init binfmt_setup(void)
 9333 {
 9335   init_misc_binfmt();
 9336 #endif
 9338 #ifdef CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF
 9339   init_elf_binfmt();
 9340 #endif
 9342 #ifdef CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF32
 9343   init_elf32_binfmt();
 9344 #endif
 9347   init_aout_binfmt();
 9348 #endif
 9350 #ifdef CONFIG_BINFMT_AOUT32
 9351   init_aout32_binfmt();
 9352 #endif
 9355   init_java_binfmt();
 9356 #endif
 9358 #ifdef CONFIG_BINFMT_EM86
 9359   init_em86_binfmt();
 9360 #endif
 9362   /* This cannot be configured out of the kernel */
 9363   init_script_binfmt();
 9364 }
 9366 int register_binfmt(struct linux_binfmt * fmt)
 9367 {
 9368   struct linux_binfmt ** tmp = &formats;
 9370   if (!fmt)
 9371     return -EINVAL;
 9372   if (fmt->next)
 9373     return -EBUSY;
 9374   while (*tmp) {
 9375     if (fmt == *tmp)
 9376       return -EBUSY;
 9377     tmp = &(*tmp)->next;
 9378   }
 9379   fmt->next = formats;
 9380   formats = fmt;
 9381   return 0;
 9382 }
 9384 #ifdef CONFIG_MODULES
 9385 int unregister_binfmt(struct linux_binfmt * fmt)
 9386 {
 9387   struct linux_binfmt ** tmp = &formats;
 9389   while (*tmp) {
 9390     if (fmt == *tmp) {
 9391       *tmp = fmt->next;
 9392       return 0;
 9393     }
 9394     tmp = &(*tmp)->next;
 9395   }
 9396   return -EINVAL;
 9397 }
 9398 #endif  /* CONFIG_MODULES */
 9400 /* N.B. Error returns must be < 0 */
 9401 int open_dentry(struct dentry * dentry, int mode)
 9402 {
 9403   struct inode * inode = dentry->d_inode;
 9404   struct file * f;
 9405   int fd, error;
 9407   error = -EINVAL;
 9408   if (!inode->i_op || !inode->i_op->default_file_ops)
 9409     goto out;
 9410   fd = get_unused_fd();
 9411   if (fd >= 0) {
 9412     error = -ENFILE;
 9413     f = get_empty_filp();
 9414     if (!f)
 9415       goto out_fd;
 9416     f->f_flags = mode;
 9417     f->f_mode = (mode+1) & O_ACCMODE;
 9418     f->f_dentry = dentry;
 9419     f->f_pos = 0;
 9420     f->f_reada = 0;
 9421     f->f_op = inode->i_op->default_file_ops;
 9422     if (f->f_op->open) {
 9423       error = f->f_op->open(inode,f);
 9424       if (error)
 9425         goto out_filp;
 9426     }
 9427     fd_install(fd, f);
 9428     dget(dentry);
 9429   }
 9430   return fd;
 9432 out_filp:
 9433   if (error > 0)
 9434     error = -EIO;
 9435   put_filp(f);
 9436 out_fd:
 9437   put_unused_fd(fd);
 9438 out:
 9439   return error;
 9440 }
 9442 /* Note that a shared library must be both readable and
 9443  * executable due to security reasons.
 9444  *
 9445  * Also note that we take the address to load from from
 9446  * the file itself.  */
 9447 asmlinkage int sys_uselib(const char * library)
 9448 {
 9449   int fd, retval;
 9450   struct file * file;
 9451   struct linux_binfmt * fmt;
 9453   lock_kernel();
 9454   fd = sys_open(library, 0, 0);
 9455   retval = fd;
 9456   if (fd < 0)
 9457     goto out;
 9458   file = fget(fd);
 9459   retval = -ENOEXEC;
 9460   if (file && file->f_dentry &&
 9461       file->f_op && file->f_op->read) {
 9462     for (fmt = formats ; fmt ; fmt = fmt->next) {
 9463       int (*fn)(int) = fmt->load_shlib;
 9464       if (!fn)
 9465         continue;
 9466       /* N.B. Should use file instead of fd */
 9467       retval = fn(fd);
 9468       if (retval != -ENOEXEC)
 9469         break;
 9470     }
 9471   }
 9472   fput(file);
 9473   sys_close(fd);
 9474 out:
 9475   unlock_kernel();
 9476   return retval;
 9477 }
 9479 /* count() counts the number of arguments/envelopes */
 9480 static int count(char ** argv)
 9481 {
 9482   int i = 0;
 9484   if (argv != NULL) {
 9485     for (;;) {
 9486       char * p;
 9487       int error;
 9489       error = get_user(p,argv);
 9490       if (error)
 9491         return error;
 9492       if (!p)
 9493         break;
 9494       argv++;
 9495       i++;
 9496     }
 9497   }
 9498   return i;
 9499 }
 9501 /* 'copy_string()' copies argument/envelope strings from
 9502  * user memory to free pages in kernel mem. These are in
 9503  * a format ready to be put directly into the top of new
 9504  * user memory.
 9505  *
 9506  * Modified by TYT, 11/24/91 to add the from_kmem
 9507  * argument, which specifies whether the string and the
 9508  * string array are from user or kernel segments:
 9509  *
 9510  * from_kmem     argv *        argv **
 9511  *    0          user space    user space
 9512  *    1          kernel space  user space
 9513  *    2          kernel space  kernel space
 9514  *
 9515  * We do this by playing games with the fs segment
 9516  * register.  Since it is expensive to load a segment
 9517  * register, we try to avoid calling set_fs() unless we
 9518  * absolutely have to.  */
 9519 unsigned long copy_strings(
 9520   int argc,char ** argv,
 9521   unsigned long *page, unsigned long p, int from_kmem)
 9522 {
 9523   char *str;
 9524   mm_segment_t old_fs;
 9526   if (!p)
 9527     return 0;       /* bullet-proofing */
 9528   old_fs = get_fs();
 9529   if (from_kmem==2)
 9530     set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
 9531   while (argc-- > 0) {
 9532     int len;
 9533     unsigned long pos;
 9535     if (from_kmem == 1)
 9536       set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
 9537     get_user(str, argv+argc);
 9538     if (!str)
 9539       panic("VFS: argc is wrong");
 9540     if (from_kmem == 1)
 9541       set_fs(old_fs);
 9542     len = strlen_user(str); /* includes the '\0' */
 9543     if (p < len) {  /* this shouldn't happen - 128kB */
 9544       set_fs(old_fs);
 9545       return 0;
 9546     }
 9547     p -= len;
 9548     pos = p;
 9549     while (len) {
 9550       char *pag;
 9551       int offset, bytes_to_copy;
 9553       offset = pos % PAGE_SIZE;
 9554       if (!(pag = (char *) page[pos/PAGE_SIZE]) &&
 9555           !(pag = (char *) page[pos/PAGE_SIZE] =
 9556             (unsigned long *) get_free_page(GFP_USER))) {
 9557         if (from_kmem==2)
 9558           set_fs(old_fs);
 9559         return 0;
 9560       }
 9561       bytes_to_copy = PAGE_SIZE - offset;
 9562       if (bytes_to_copy > len)
 9563         bytes_to_copy = len;
 9564       copy_from_user(pag + offset, str, bytes_to_copy);
 9565       pos += bytes_to_copy;
 9566       str += bytes_to_copy;
 9567       len -= bytes_to_copy;
 9568     }
 9569   }
 9570   if (from_kmem==2)
 9571     set_fs(old_fs);
 9572   return p;
 9573 }
 9575 unsigned long setup_arg_pages(unsigned long p,
 9576                               struct linux_binprm * bprm)
 9577 {
 9578   unsigned long stack_base;
 9579   struct vm_area_struct *mpnt;
 9580   int i;
 9582   stack_base = STACK_TOP - MAX_ARG_PAGES*PAGE_SIZE;
 9584   p += stack_base;
 9585   if (bprm->loader)
 9586     bprm->loader += stack_base;
 9587   bprm->exec += stack_base;
 9589   mpnt = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
 9590   if (mpnt) {
 9591     mpnt->vm_mm = current->mm;
 9592     mpnt->vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) p;
 9593     mpnt->vm_end = STACK_TOP;
 9594     mpnt->vm_page_prot = PAGE_COPY;
 9595     mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS;
 9596     mpnt->vm_ops = NULL;
 9597     mpnt->vm_offset = 0;
 9598     mpnt->vm_file = NULL;
 9599     mpnt->vm_pte = 0;
 9600     insert_vm_struct(current->mm, mpnt);
 9601     current->mm->total_vm =
 9602       (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
 9603   }
 9605   for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_ARG_PAGES ; i++) {
 9606     if (bprm->page[i]) {
 9607       current->mm->rss++;
 9608       put_dirty_page(current,bprm->page[i],stack_base);
 9609     }
 9610     stack_base += PAGE_SIZE;
 9611   }
 9612   return p;
 9613 }
 9615 /* Read in the complete executable. This is used for "-N"
 9616  * files that aren't on a block boundary, and for files
 9617  * on filesystems without bmap support.  */
 9618 int read_exec(
 9619   struct dentry *dentry, unsigned long offset,
 9620   char * addr, unsigned long count, int to_kmem)
 9621 {
 9622   struct file file;
 9623   struct inode * inode = dentry->d_inode;
 9624   int result = -ENOEXEC;
 9626   if (!inode->i_op || !inode->i_op->default_file_ops)
 9627     goto end_readexec;
 9628   if (init_private_file(&file, dentry, 1))
 9629     goto end_readexec;
 9630   if (!file.f_op->read)
 9631     goto close_readexec;
 9632   if (file.f_op->llseek) {
 9633     if (file.f_op->llseek(&file,offset,0) != offset)
 9634       goto close_readexec;
 9635   } else
 9636     file.f_pos = offset;
 9637   if (to_kmem) {
 9638     mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
 9639     set_fs(get_ds());
 9640     result =
 9641       file.f_op->read(&file, addr, count, &file.f_pos);
 9642     set_fs(old_fs);
 9643   } else {
 9644     result = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, addr, count);
 9645     if (result)
 9646       goto close_readexec;
 9647     result =
 9648       file.f_op->read(&file, addr, count, &file.f_pos);
 9649   }
 9650 close_readexec:
 9651   if (file.f_op->release)
 9652     file.f_op->release(inode,&file);
 9653 end_readexec:
 9654   return result;
 9655 }
 9657 static int exec_mmap(void)
 9658 {
 9659   struct mm_struct * mm, * old_mm;
 9660   int retval, nr;
 9662   if (atomic_read(&current->mm->count) == 1) {
 9663     flush_cache_mm(current->mm);
 9664     mm_release();
 9665     release_segments(current->mm);
 9666     exit_mmap(current->mm);
 9667     flush_tlb_mm(current->mm);
 9668     return 0;
 9669   }
 9671   retval = -ENOMEM;
 9672   mm = mm_alloc();
 9673   if (!mm)
 9674     goto fail_nomem;
 9676   mm->cpu_vm_mask = (1UL << smp_processor_id());
 9677   mm->total_vm = 0;
 9678   mm->rss = 0;
 9679   /* Make sure we have a private ldt if needed ... */
 9680   nr = current->tarray_ptr - &task[0];
 9681   copy_segments(nr, current, mm);
 9683   old_mm = current->mm;
 9684   current->mm = mm;
 9685   retval = new_page_tables(current);
 9686   if (retval)
 9687     goto fail_restore;
 9688   activate_context(current);
 9689   up(&mm->mmap_sem);
 9690   mm_release();
 9691   mmput(old_mm);
 9692   return 0;
 9694   /* Failure ... restore the prior mm_struct. */
 9695 fail_restore:
 9696   /* The pgd belongs to the parent ... don't free it! */
 9697   mm->pgd = NULL;
 9698   current->mm = old_mm;
 9699   /* restore the ldt for this task */
 9700   copy_segments(nr, current, NULL);
 9701   mmput(mm);
 9703 fail_nomem:
 9704   return retval;
 9705 }
 9707 /* This function makes sure the current process has its
 9708  * own signal table, so that flush_signal_handlers can
 9709  * later reset the handlers without disturbing other
 9710  * processes.  (Other processes might share the signal
 9711  * table via the CLONE_SIGHAND option to clone().)  */
 9713 static inline int make_private_signals(void)
 9714 {
 9715   struct signal_struct * newsig;
 9717   if (atomic_read(&current->sig->count) <= 1)
 9718     return 0;
 9719   newsig = kmalloc(sizeof(*newsig), GFP_KERNEL);
 9720   if (newsig == NULL)
 9721     return -ENOMEM;
 9722   spin_lock_init(&newsig->siglock);
 9723   atomic_set(&newsig->count, 1);
 9724   memcpy(newsig->action, current->sig->action,
 9725          sizeof(newsig->action));
 9726   current->sig = newsig;
 9727   return 0;
 9728 }
 9730 /* If make_private_signals() made a copy of the signal
 9731  * table, decrement the refcount of the original table,
 9732  * and free it if necessary.  We don't do that in
 9733  * make_private_signals() so that we can back off in
 9734  * flush_old_exec() if an error occurs after calling
 9735  * make_private_signals().  */
 9736 static inline void release_old_signals(
 9737   struct signal_struct * oldsig)
 9738 {
 9739   if (current->sig == oldsig)
 9740     return;
 9741   if (atomic_dec_and_test(&oldsig->count))
 9742     kfree(oldsig);
 9743 }
 9745 /* These functions flushes out all traces of the
 9746  * currently running executable so that a new one can be
 9747  * started */
 9748 static inline void flush_old_files(
 9749   struct files_struct * files)
 9750 {
 9751   unsigned long j;
 9753   j = 0;
 9754   for (;;) {
 9755     unsigned long set, i;
 9757     i = j * __NFDBITS;
 9758     if (i >= files->max_fds)
 9759       break;
 9760     set = files->close_on_exec.fds_bits[j];
 9761     files->close_on_exec.fds_bits[j] = 0;
 9762     j++;
 9763     for ( ; set ; i++,set >>= 1) {
 9764       if (set & 1)
 9765         sys_close(i);
 9766     }
 9767   }
 9768 }
 9770 int flush_old_exec(struct linux_binprm * bprm)
 9771 {
 9772   char * name;
 9773   int i, ch, retval;
 9774   struct signal_struct * oldsig;
 9776   /* Make sure we have a private signal table */
 9777   oldsig = current->sig;
 9778   retval = make_private_signals();
 9779   if (retval) goto flush_failed;
 9781   /* Release all of the old mmap stuff */
 9782   retval = exec_mmap();
 9783   if (retval) goto mmap_failed;
 9785   /* This is the point of no return */
 9786   release_old_signals(oldsig);
 9788   if (current->euid == current->uid &&
 9789       current->egid == current->gid)
 9790     current->dumpable = 1;
 9791   name = bprm->filename;
 9792   for (i=0; (ch = *(name++)) != '\0';) {
 9793     if (ch == '/')
 9794       i = 0;
 9795     else
 9796       if (i < 15)
 9797         current->comm[i++] = ch;
 9798   }
 9799   current->comm[i] = '\0';
 9801   flush_thread();
 9803   if (bprm->e_uid != current->euid ||
 9804       bprm->e_gid != current->egid ||
 9805       permission(bprm->dentry->d_inode,MAY_READ))
 9806     current->dumpable = 0;
 9808   flush_signal_handlers(current);
 9809   flush_old_files(current->files);
 9811   return 0;
 9813 mmap_failed:
 9814   if (current->sig != oldsig)
 9815     kfree(current->sig);
 9816 flush_failed:
 9817   current->sig = oldsig;
 9818   return retval;
 9819 }
 9821 /* We mustn't allow tracing of suid binaries, unless the
 9822  * tracer has the capability to trace anything..  */
 9823 static inline int
 9824 must_not_trace_exec(struct task_struct * p)
 9825 {
 9826   return (p->flags & PF_PTRACED) &&
 9827    !cap_raised(p->p_pptr->cap_effective, CAP_SYS_PTRACE);
 9828 }
 9830 /* Fill the binprm structure from the inode.  Check
 9831  * permissions, then read the first 512 bytes */
 9832 int prepare_binprm(struct linux_binprm *bprm)
 9833 {
 9834   int mode;
 9835   int retval,id_change,cap_raised;
 9836   struct inode * inode = bprm->dentry->d_inode;
 9838   mode = inode->i_mode;
 9839   if (!S_ISREG(mode))          /* must be regular file */
 9840     return -EACCES;
 9841   if (!(mode & 0111))     /* with >= 1 execute bit set */
 9842     return -EACCES;
 9843   if (IS_NOEXEC(inode)) /* FS mustn't be mounted noexec*/
 9844     return -EACCES;
 9845   if (!inode->i_sb)
 9846     return -EACCES;
 9847   if ((retval = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC)) != 0)
 9848     return retval;
 9849   /* better not exec files that are being written to */
 9850   if (inode->i_writecount > 0)
 9851     return -ETXTBSY;
 9853   bprm->e_uid = current->euid;
 9854   bprm->e_gid = current->egid;
 9855   id_change = cap_raised = 0;
 9857   /* Set-uid? */
 9858   if (mode & S_ISUID) {
 9859     bprm->e_uid = inode->i_uid;
 9860     if (bprm->e_uid != current->euid)
 9861       id_change = 1;
 9862   }
 9864   /* Set-gid? */
 9865   /* If setgid is set but no group execute bit then this
 9866    * is a candidate for mandatory locking, not a setgid
 9867    * executable.  */
 9868   if ((mode & (S_ISGID | S_IXGRP)) ==
 9869       (S_ISGID | S_IXGRP)) {
 9870     bprm->e_gid = inode->i_gid;
 9871     if (!in_group_p(bprm->e_gid))
 9872       id_change = 1;
 9873   }
 9875   /* We don't have VFS support for capabilities yet */
 9876   cap_clear(bprm->cap_inheritable);
 9877   cap_clear(bprm->cap_permitted);
 9878   cap_clear(bprm->cap_effective);
 9880   /* To support inheritance of root-permissions and
 9881    * suid-root executables under compatibility mode, we
 9882    * raise the effective and inherited bitmasks of the
 9883    * executable file (translation: we set the executable
 9884    * "capability dumb" and set the allowed set to
 9885    * maximum). We don't set any forced bits.
 9886    *
 9887    * If only the real uid is 0, we only raise the
 9888    * inheritable bitmask of the executable file
 9889    * (translation: we set the allowed set to maximum and
 9890    * the application to "capability smart").  */
 9892   if (!issecure(SECURE_NOROOT)) {
 9893     if (bprm->e_uid == 0 || current->uid == 0)
 9894       cap_set_full(bprm->cap_inheritable);
 9895     if (bprm->e_uid == 0)
 9896       cap_set_full(bprm->cap_effective);
 9897   }
 9899   /* Only if pP' is _not_ a subset of pP, do we consider
 9900    * there has been a capability related "change of
 9901    * capability".  In such cases, we need to check that
 9902    * the elevation of privilege does not go against other
 9903    * system constraints.  The new Permitted set is
 9904    * defined below -- see (***). */
 9905   {
 9906     kernel_cap_t working =
 9907       cap_combine(bprm->cap_permitted,
 9908             cap_intersect(bprm->cap_inheritable,
 9909               current->cap_inheritable));
 9910     if (!cap_issubset(working, current->cap_permitted)) {
 9911       cap_raised = 1;
 9912     }
 9913   }
 9915   if (id_change || cap_raised) {
 9916     /* We can't suid-execute if we're sharing parts of
 9917      * the executable or if we're being traced (or if
 9918      * suid execs are not allowed) (current->mm->count
 9919      * > 1 is ok, as we'll get a new mm anyway) */
 9920     if (IS_NOSUID(inode)
 9921         || must_not_trace_exec(current)
 9922         || (atomic_read(&current->fs->count) > 1)
 9923         || (atomic_read(&current->sig->count) > 1)
 9924         || (atomic_read(&current->files->count) > 1)) {
 9925       if (id_change && !capable(CAP_SETUID))
 9926         return -EPERM;
 9927       if (cap_raised && !capable(CAP_SETPCAP))
 9928         return -EPERM;
 9929     }
 9930   }
 9932   memset(bprm->buf,0,sizeof(bprm->buf));
 9933   return read_exec(bprm->dentry,0,bprm->buf,128,1);
 9934 }
 9936 /* This function is used to produce the new IDs and
 9937  * capabilities from the old ones and the file's
 9938  * capabilities.  The formula used for evolving
 9939  * capabilities is:
 9940  *
 9941  *       pI' = pI
 9942  * (***) pP' = fP | (fI & pI)
 9943  *       pE' = pP' & fE          [NB. fE is 0 or ~0]
 9944  *
 9945  * I=Inheritable, P=Permitted, E=Effective // p=process,
 9946  * // f=file; ' indicates post-exec().  */
 9948 void compute_creds(struct linux_binprm *bprm)
 9949 {
 9950   int new_permitted = cap_t(bprm->cap_permitted) |
 9951     (cap_t(bprm->cap_inheritable) &
 9952      cap_t(current->cap_inheritable));
 9954   /* For init, we want to retain the capabilities set
 9955    * in the init_task struct. Thus we skip the usual
 9956    * capability rules */
 9957   if (current->pid != 1) {
 9958     cap_t(current->cap_permitted) = new_permitted;
 9959     cap_t(current->cap_effective) = new_permitted &
 9960             cap_t(bprm->cap_effective);
 9961   }
 9963   /* AUD: Audit candidate if current->cap_effective is
 9964    * set */
 9966   current->suid =
 9967     current->euid = current->fsuid = bprm->e_uid;
 9968   current->sgid =
 9969     current->egid = current->fsgid = bprm->e_gid;
 9970   if (current->euid != current->uid ||
 9971       current->egid != current->gid ||
 9972       !cap_issubset(new_permitted,
 9973                     current->cap_permitted))
 9974     current->dumpable = 0;
 9975 }
 9978 void remove_arg_zero(struct linux_binprm *bprm)
 9979 {
 9980   if (bprm->argc) {
 9981     unsigned long offset;
 9982     char * page;
 9983     offset = bprm->p % PAGE_SIZE;
 9984     page = (char*)bprm->page[bprm->p/PAGE_SIZE];
 9985     while(bprm->p++,*(page+offset++))
 9986       if(offset==PAGE_SIZE){
 9987         offset=0;
 9988         page = (char*)bprm->page[bprm->p/PAGE_SIZE];
 9989       }
 9990     bprm->argc--;
 9991   }
 9992 }
 9994 /* cycle the list of binary formats handler, until one
 9995  * recognizes the image */
 9996 int search_binary_handler(struct linux_binprm *bprm,
 9997                           struct pt_regs *regs)
 9998 {
 9999   int try,retval=0;
10000   struct linux_binfmt *fmt;
10001 #ifdef __alpha__
10002   /* handle /sbin/loader.. */
10003   {
10004     struct exec * eh = (struct exec *) bprm->buf;
10005     struct linux_binprm bprm_loader;
10007     if (!bprm->loader && eh->fh.f_magic == 0x183 &&
10008         (eh->fh.f_flags & 0x3000) == 0x3000)
10009     {
10010       int i;
10011       char * dynloader[] = { "/sbin/loader" };
10012       struct dentry * dentry;
10014       dput(bprm->dentry);
10015       bprm->dentry = NULL;
10017       bprm_loader.p = PAGE_SIZE * MAX_ARG_PAGES
10018                       - sizeof(void *);
10019       for (i=0 ; i<MAX_ARG_PAGES ; i++)/* clear pg-tbl */
10020[i] = 0;
10022       dentry = open_namei(dynloader[0], 0, 0);
10023       retval = PTR_ERR(dentry);
10024       if (IS_ERR(dentry))
10025         return retval;
10026       bprm->dentry = dentry;
10027       bprm->loader = bprm_loader.p;
10028       retval = prepare_binprm(bprm);
10029       if (retval<0)
10030         return retval;
10031       /* should call search_binary_handler recursively
10032        * here, but it does not matter */
10033     }
10034   }
10035 #endif
10036   for (try=0; try<2; try++) {
10037     for (fmt = formats ; fmt ; fmt = fmt->next) {
10038       int (*fn)(struct linux_binprm *, struct pt_regs *)
10039         = fmt->load_binary;
10040       if (!fn)
10041         continue;
10042       retval = fn(bprm, regs);
10043       if (retval >= 0) {
10044         if (bprm->dentry)
10045           dput(bprm->dentry);
10046         bprm->dentry = NULL;
10047         current->did_exec = 1;
10048         return retval;
10049       }
10050       if (retval != -ENOEXEC)
10051         break;
10052       /* We don't have the dentry anymore */
10053       if (!bprm->dentry)
10054         return retval;
10055     }
10056     if (retval != -ENOEXEC) {
10057       break;
10058 #ifdef CONFIG_KMOD
10059     } else {
10060 #define printable(c)                                    \
10061  (((c)=='\t') || ((c)=='\n') || (0x20<=(c) && (c)<=0x7e))
10062       char modname[20];
10063       if (printable(bprm->buf[0]) &&
10064           printable(bprm->buf[1]) &&
10065           printable(bprm->buf[2]) &&
10066           printable(bprm->buf[3]))
10067         break; /* -ENOEXEC */
10068       sprintf(modname, "binfmt-%04x",
10069               *(unsigned short *)(&bprm->buf[2]));
10070       request_module(modname);
10071 #endif
10072     }
10073   }
10074   return retval;
10075 }
10078 /* sys_execve() executes a new program. */
10079 int do_execve(char * filename, char ** argv,
10080               char ** envp, struct pt_regs * regs)
10081 {
10082   struct linux_binprm bprm;
10083   struct dentry * dentry;
10084   int retval;
10085   int i;
10087   bprm.p = PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES-sizeof(void *);
10088   for (i=0 ; i<MAX_ARG_PAGES ; i++) /* clear pg-tbl */
10089[i] = 0;
10091   dentry = open_namei(filename, 0, 0);
10092   retval = PTR_ERR(dentry);
10093   if (IS_ERR(dentry))
10094     return retval;
10096   bprm.dentry = dentry;
10097   bprm.filename = filename;
10098   bprm.sh_bang = 0;
10099 = 0;
10100   bprm.loader = 0;
10101   bprm.exec = 0;
10102   if ((bprm.argc = count(argv)) < 0) {
10103     dput(dentry);
10104     return bprm.argc;
10105   }
10107   if ((bprm.envc = count(envp)) < 0) {
10108     dput(dentry);
10109     return bprm.envc;
10110   }
10112   retval = prepare_binprm(&bprm);
10114   if (retval >= 0) {
10115     bprm.p = copy_strings(1, &bprm.filename,,
10116                           bprm.p, 2);
10117     bprm.exec = bprm.p;
10118     bprm.p = copy_strings(bprm.envc,envp,,
10119                           bprm.p,0);
10120     bprm.p = copy_strings(bprm.argc,argv,,
10121                           bprm.p,0);
10122     if (!bprm.p)
10123       retval = -E2BIG;
10124   }
10126   if (retval >= 0)
10127     retval = search_binary_handler(&bprm,regs);
10128   if (retval >= 0)
10129     /* execve success */
10130     return retval;
10132   /* Something went wrong, return the inode and free the
10133    * argument pages*/
10134   if (bprm.dentry)
10135     dput(bprm.dentry);
10137   for (i=0 ; i<MAX_ARG_PAGES ; i++)
10138     free_page([i]);
10140   return retval;
10141 }< Назад | Оглавление | Далее >

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